Best Places to Visit When You Want to Save Money

You do not have to put travelling on the bottom of your to-do list because of your savings strategy. It is possible to visit places while on a budget, and the experiences remain uncompromised. Here is a list of the best places to visit when you want to save money.


If relaxation were represented by a place, Laos would be it. You can experience the refreshing waterfalls and savor the street cuisine all on $30 a day. Transportation costs are at a minimum because you can walk everywhere in Laos. Make sure to pack a good pair of walking shoes as a part of your luggage. If you decide to experience transport adrenalin, you can hire a motorcycle for anything between $1.25 and $3.00. You will have to put your negotiation skills at the fore for the best transport cost deals.

The accommodation prices rest at $8 – $10 (double room) per night. The street cuisine comes in the form of sandwiches, rice, papaya, and salad to just list a few. Here you can taste Asia in a plate for amounts ranging from $0.75 to $8.00 with your drinks pegged at $1.25 to $3.00.

Your budget allocation can see you through activities such as a three-day travel on the Mekong Riverboat. Visiting the Heritage temple will cost you $4.00 and access to Khou island is $3.00.

You can visit Asia and any other tourist destination for even cheaper if you book through Koala. Koala helps you book directly with hosts and you avoid many more resort charges, leaving you with more pennies than you thought you would be left with.


Georgia appears to be an overlooked tourist destination though there are perks to placing it on the top of your travel list. Depending on the type of passport holder that you are, visiting Georgia will not have any Visa expenses. You can visit Georgia and stay for a year without having to apply for a visa. While enjoying your lengthy stay in Georgia, historical sites, museums and breath-taking walk-paths are at your fingertips for just $30 a day.

Accommodation ranges from as low as $5 a night with meals pegged at $3.00 to $5.00. Transport is free as Georgia has embraced a hitch-hiking culture. However, if you are not comfortable with hitch-hiking, you only part with $5 per every ride!


If you are a soul that embraces water bodies, Croatia is the place to visit. On $40 a day, you can soak in the turquoise waters, bask under the sun while absorbing the sun rays and enjoy the non-stop colorful cocktails at parties that are ever so inviting. The water lifestyle extends to yacht parties and beach fun.

Croatian inter-cultural meals are pegged at $10.00 – $15.00 while staying in an accommodation that costs at least $12.00 and at most $16.00. Get transported in style on a ferry for $10.00 – $15.00.


Greece is a place to enjoy fresh produce while island hopping and enjoying the sun on your skin. To avoid tourist expenses, avoid the peak season which is July and August. You will enjoy island hopping on price specials. Accommodation rates range from $ 10.00 to $15.00 and so do meals. Transport costs split 4 ways in a private car will also cost you anything from $10.00 to $15.00.


India is a space that you will fall in love with particularly if you are on a spiritual journey. India is the hub for monasteries and spiritual groups that help you discover your inner self and higher purpose. You can take part in this for $20 a day and can explore as many spiritual groups as you wish seeing and the domestics flights would only cost you $30. While in India you may be exposed to spicy Indian dishes and realize that it is really important to know how to cool down after eating hot food.

South Africa

Home to wildlife, African fashion and the African drum music, South Africa is easy on your pocket. You can experience the Big 5 in the wild on $40 a day. Eating out in South Africa is what may take a chunk out of your wallet. Try to find self-accommodation where you will enjoy cooking your food having bought from South Africa’s diverse grocery stores.

The term shisa nyama is the local terms for a barbeque, it is a common style of enjoying a meal in South Africa. Finding a shisa nyama eating place is also easy on your pocket and is a sure way of enjoying the wild on a fork.


Be sure to shop around on the internet and make the most of websites that provide you the best booking deals. Travelling needs not years’ worth of savings, rather smart travelling strategies.

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