If your favorite parts of going on a wintersports holiday are the evenings where you can discover some great local restaurants, then Kitzbühel is going to be right up your alley. I have gone out for food every night for…
So your family wants to go skiing or snowboarding every year, but it’s not your thing? Don’t fear, because you can still tag along! When I visited Kitzbühel I met quite a few people who went here every year, but hadn’t…
Nothing beats the squeaky sound of snow underneath your skis, the sun on your skin and the fresh air around you while you speed down a slope. At the end of the afternoon you grab a drink during the après…
Kitzbühel: a small, colorful gem, beautifully located in between impressive snowy mountain tops. It’s a place I got to visit because of my blog, without any expectations, but returned from with a new focus, new insights about myself and – of…
It’s been eight months already since I visited Salzburg (time flies!). It was the last stop before we drove back to the Netherlands after a road trip through the Balkans for 3,5 weeks. After three weeks of beautiful scenery, great food, fascinating…